NonStop Reliability

Conditional Maintenance | Smart Maintenance, Smarter Results

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    Contrary to the days of traditional, time-based maintenance, today, the spotlight is on a dynamic and proactive method that adapts to the actual condition of equipment — commonly known as conditional maintenance.

    The essence of condition-based maintenance (CBM) lies in its ability to leverage real-time asset data and predictive analytics. This data-driven approach allows organizations to move from a reactive stance towards a more anticipatory and strategic approach. This shift from a fix-when-broken mentality to a predict-and-prevent mindset is at the core of the transformative power of conditional maintenance.

    In this blog post, we delve into the significance and benefits of conditional maintenance, exploring how this paradigm shift is not only enhancing operational efficiency but also establishing a new era of cost-effectiveness and sustainability. Let’s dive in!

    What is Conditional Maintenance?

    Conditional maintenance is a proactive strategy that schedules maintenance tasks based on an asset’s condition or performance rather than adhering to a fixed time interval. The goal is to optimize resource utilization by conducting maintenance when it is most needed. This maintenance approach helps in minimizing unnecessary downtime and extending equipment lifespan.

    Traditional time-based maintenance follows a calendar schedule regardless of an asset’s actual condition. This approach mainly results in equipment being taken offline, irrespective of its actual condition, leading to unnecessary disruptions in operations. According to an ARC Advisory Group’s Enterprise Asset Management and Field Service Management Market Study, around 30% of preventive maintenance is too frequent.

    Conditional maintenance, on the other hand, allows organizations to schedule interventions precisely when they are needed. It relies on real-time data and monitoring systems. Sensors, predictive analytics, and monitoring tools like predictive maintenance continuously assess the health and performance of equipment. Maintenance activities are triggered when specific predefined thresholds or indicators are met.


    Utilize the real-time monitoring capabilities of The NonStop Suite to gain immediate insights into asset health and performance. By continuously monitoring critical parameters, you can detect anomalies and address potential issues in their early stages. This proactive approach allows for swift corrective actions, minimizing the impact on operations and extending the lifespan of industrial assets.

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    What is an Example of Condition Monitoring Maintenance?

    Condition-based maintenance involves utilizing vibration analysis to monitor rotating machinery in industrial settings, such as pumps, motors, and turbines. These machines typically exhibit specific vibration patterns when in good condition. However, as components wear or faults develop, these patterns change. Vibration monitoring sensors in condition monitoring systems continuously collect and analyze these vibrations.

    For a condition-based maintenance example, consider a pump in a manufacturing facility with established baseline vibration levels during regular operation. If the vibration levels surpass predetermined thresholds or deviate from the established baseline, it may indicate issues like misalignment, imbalance, or bearing wear. In response, the condition monitoring system can generate a maintenance alert or work order.

    Implementing condition based maintenance strategy through vibration analysis allows organizations to schedule maintenance precisely when needed. Ultimately optimizing equipment performance, preventing unexpected failures, and extending the lifespan of critical machinery.

    What is the Process of Condition Maintenance?

    On-condition maintenance is focused on addressing equipment or asset issues based on their real-time condition, as determined through continuous monitoring and assessment. This maintenance approach proves particularly advantageous in minimizing unnecessary maintenance and optimizing resource utilization by addressing issues.

    The on-condition maintenance process involves the following steps for enhanced clarity:

    1. Asset Monitoring and Data Collection: First off, maintenance managers employ various sensors, monitoring devices, and data collection tools to gather information on equipment conditions continually. They measure parameters like temperature, vibration, fluid levels, pressure analysis, and other relevant indicators based on the equipment type.
    2. Establishing Baselines and Thresholds: Now, facility managers set baseline performance levels and normal operating conditions for the equipment. They define acceptable thresholds or limits for each monitored parameter, which act as triggers for maintenance actions when exceeded.
    3. Continuous Analysis: Expert maintenance personnel use asset management solutions to view advanced analytics and other monitoring techniques for ongoing analysis. With the help of digital software, they compare real-time data to established baselines and thresholds to identify deviations or anomalies.
    4. Condition Assessment:Facility maintenance teams assess the equipment’s condition based on the analysis. Determine if the current state indicates regular operation, potential issues, or the need for maintenance.
    5. Maintenance Trigger: If the equipment’s condition falls outside acceptable parameters, maintenance managers initiate maintenance activities. This may involve generating work orders,scheduling inspections, or starting specific maintenance tasks.
    6. Scheduled Maintenance:Maintenance technicians perform maintenance activities as required, addressing identified issues or potential problems. This could include repairs, replacements, or adjustments.
    7. Feedback Loop:After completing maintenance, maintenance managers update the monitoring system with the latest information. Ideally, they adjust baseline conditions or thresholds based on feedback from maintenance activities to enhance the accuracy of future assessments.


    Efficient work order management is essential for effective conditional maintenance. Leverage The NonStop Suite’s comprehensive CMMS features to streamline work order creation, assignment, and tracking. This ensures a well-organized and documented maintenance process, facilitating seamless communication with maintenance team and reducing the time needed to resolve issues.

    What are The Types of Condition-Based Maintenance?

    Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) is a forward-looking maintenance strategy. This approach assists organizations in maximizing maintenance efficiency, minimizing downtime, and prolonging the lifespan of their assets.

    When organizations implement Condition-Based Maintenance techniques, they can establish a thorough monitoring program customized to their equipment and operational requirements. Through the utilization of real-time data and predictive analytics, CBM facilitates timely and cost-efficient maintenance interventions. Consequently, this enhances asset reliability and reduces unplanned downtime.

    Detailed below are the 5 significant types of Condition based Maintenance CBM techniques, each targeting specific aspects of equipment health:

    Vibration Analysis

    Vibration analysis is a widely used CBM technique that involves monitoring the vibrations of machinery. Changes in vibration patterns can indicate issues such as misalignments, imbalance, or bearing defects. Regularly analyzing vibration data, maintenance teams can pinpoint potential problems before they lead to equipment failure.

    Infrared Thermography

    This technique entails using infrared cameras to detect temperature variations. Elevated temperatures may signal electrical problems, friction, or other issues. Infrared thermography is particularly effective for identifying overheating components in electrical systems and mechanical equipment.

    Oil Analysis

    Monitoring the condition of lubricating oils can provide valuable insights into the health of machinery. Oil analysis helps detect contaminants, wear particles, and chemical changes in the oil. This analysis can indicate potential problems with gears, bearings, or other components.

    Ultrasound Testing

    Ultrasound testing involves listening to high-frequency sound waves emitted by equipment. Changes in ultrasound patterns can signal compressed gas systems leaks, electrical faults, or bearing problems. This technique is often used for detecting early signs of equipment failure.

    Motor Current Analysis

    Monitoring the current drawn by electric motors and machinery can reveal abnormalities such as imbalances, overloading, or electrical faults. Motor recent analysis is especially useful for identifying issues in rotating equipment.


    The NonStop Suite integrates powerful predictive analytics tools, enabling your organization to anticipate potential issues before they occur. By analyzing past maintenance data insights, you can proactively schedule maintenance. You are ultimately reducing downtime and optimizing asset performance.

    What is The Difference Between Preventive and Condition-Based Maintenance?

    Preventive Maintenance and Condition-Based Maintenance are two distinct approaches to maintaining equipment and machinery. Here’s a table highlighting the key differences between preventive maintenance strategy and Condition based maintenance program:


    Preventive Maintenance

    Condition-Based Maintenance


    Scheduled maintenance tasks performed regularly

    Maintenance tasks are performed based on equipment condition

    Timing of Maintenance

    Fixed schedule or calendar-driven

    Triggered by equipment condition or performance


    Regular intervals (e.g., monthly, annually)

    Variable, based on equipment condition monitoring


    Predictable and stable

    May be lower due to targeted maintenance

    Equipment Downtime

    Planned downtime

    Minimized, as maintenance is based on the need

    Risk of Equipment Failure

    Lower risk as maintenance is proactive

    Higher risk as maintenance is reactive

    Monitoring Systems

    Relies on predetermined schedules

    Uses sensors and monitoring systems


    Regular oil changes, equipment inspections

    Vibration analysis, oil analysis, thermal imaging

    What are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Conditional Maintenance CBM?

    Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) aims to optimize maintenance schedules by only performing necessary interventions. Consequently, this strategy maximizes asset reliability and minimizes downtime. However, like any maintenance strategy, CBM has its advantages and disadvantages as well.

    Here is a general preview of the distinct advantages and disadvantages of condition-based monitoring:

    Advantages of Condition-based Maintenance (CBM)

    Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) offers several advantages, making it a popular and effective maintenance strategy for organizations. Here are some key benefits:

    • Cost Efficiency: One of the primary benefits of CBM is its cost-effectiveness. Organizations can allocate valuable resources more efficiently by focusing maintenance efforts on equipment that shows signs of deterioration or impending failure, reducing overall maintenance costs.
    • Increased Equipment Reliability:CBM allows for detecting potential issues before they escalate into serious problems. This proactive approach helps prevent unexpected equipment failures, improving reliability and availability.
    • Extended Equipment Life: Regularly monitoring the equipment’s condition and promptly addressing issues can extend the assets’ lifespan. CBM helps organizations maximize their investments by minimizing wear and tear and ensuring proper functioning.
    • Improved Safety:Identifying and addressing potential issues before they lead to equipment failure enhances workplace safety. CBM contributes to creating a safer environment for personnel by reducing the risk of accidents caused by malfunctioning equipment.


    Enable your maintenance teams to access The NonStop Suite’s on-the-go through mobile devices. Mobile accessibility empowers technicians with real-time information and the ability to update work orders, check asset histories, and communicate seamlessly from the field. This flexibility increases the efficiency of maintenance tasks and ensures that your team is always equipped with the latest data to make informed decisions.

    Disadvantages of Condition-based Maintenance (CBM)

    While Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) offers numerous advantages, it is critical to consider the potential disadvantages and challenges associated with this maintenance strategy:

    • Initial Implementation Costs:Setting up a robust CBM system can require a significant initial investment in sensors, monitoring equipment, and software. Small or budget-constrained organizations may find it challenging to implement CBM effectively.
    • Skill and Training Requirements:CBM relies on advanced technologies such as sensors, data analytics, and predictive modeling. Implementing and maintaining a robust CBM systems requires a skilled workforce. Organizations are often required to invest in training to ensure personnel are proficient in CBM technologies.
    • False Alarms: CBM systems can sometimes generate false alarms, indicating a need for maintenance when none is required. This can lead to unnecessary downtime, maintenance costs, and potential wear on equipment from unnecessary interventions.
    • Limited Applicability: CBM is most effective for equipment with well-defined failure modes and clear indicators of deterioration. For some types of assets, especially those with complex failure patterns, CBM may be less applicable or less reliable.

    When to Use Condition-Based Maintenance?

    CBM is ideal for assets where the cost of preventive maintenance is high or when the consequences of failure are critical. This approach optimizes maintenance schedules, reducing downtime and minimizing unnecessary maintenance tasks. However, it’s essential to carefully assess the specific needs and characteristics of the equipment and operational context before implementing this maintenance strategy.

    Here are situations where Condition-Based Maintenance is particularly beneficial and provides a well-rounded maintenance strategy:

    1. Equipment with Predictable Failure Modes: CBM is well-suited for equipment with known and predictable failure modes. If facility managers can identify specific conditions that precede equipment failure, monitoring them allows maintenance managers to schedule maintenance tasks when needed.
    2. Critical or Expensive Assets: When dealing with critical or expensive assets, CBM can be cost-effective. Monitoring the condition of these assets optimizes maintenance efforts, reducing the risk of unexpected failures and minimizing downtime.
    3. High-Reliability Requirements:Industries that demand high levels of reliability, such as aerospace, defense, and healthcare, often benefit from CBM. Continuous monitoring helps ensure that equipment is always in optimal working condition.
    4. Complex Systems: CBM is particularly valuable for complex systems with multiple components. Monitoring the condition of individual components allows for targeted maintenance rather than comprehensive overhauls, saving time and resources.
    5. Equipment with Variable Usage Patterns: Critical assets that experience variable usage patterns may not require maintenance at fixed intervals. CBM allows for flexibility in scheduling maintenance based on the actual usage and condition of the equipment.
    6. Advancements in Sensor Technology: The availability of advanced sensors and monitoring technologies has made CBM more feasible and cost-effective. Sensors can detect subtle changes in equipment conditions, enabling early detection of potential issues.
    7. Data-Driven Decision-Making:If your organization values data-driven decision-making, CBM fits well into this approach. Continuous monitoring generates data to be analyzed to make educated decisions about when to schedule maintenance activities.
    8. Reduction in Unplanned Downtime: CBM is effective in minimizing unplanned downtime. Organizations can maintain operational continuity and avoid costly disruptions by pinpointing potential issues before they escalate.
    9. Resource Optimization: CBM allows for better resource allocation by focusing maintenance efforts on equipment that needs attention. This effort can lead to cost savings compared to routine, time-based maintenance.
    10. Environmental Considerations:In specific industries, environmental conditions may impact the performance and health of equipment. CBM can help identify and address issues related to environmental factors.

    Conclusion: Advance Your CBM Strategy With The NonStop Suite!

    Improving industrial efficiency through streamlined maintenance processes is crucial, and a Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) can significantly help in this regard. Realizing this pressing need, The NonStop Group represents a significant advancement in CMMS solutions—The NonStop Suite!

    The NonStop Suite is a transformative tool that goes beyond conventional asset management. With remarkable features, this comprehensive suite offers a user-friendly interface for organizations to integrate CMMS functionalities into their CBM strategy seamlessly. The Dynamic eForms, NFC Smart Tags, and Security and Compliance feature allow for meticulous documentation of equipment specifications, maintenance schedules and guides, and safety protocols.

    Furthermore, The NonStop Suite takes maintenance to a new level by incorporating conditional asset monitoring strategies. It utilizes historical data to detect and prevent potential equipment failures.

    To position your organization at the forefront of operational maintenance, it is essential to consult with The NonStop Group. Schedule a FREE personalized product tour today to journey towards optimized maintenance workflows and unparalleled efficiency.

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