NonStop Reliability

Asset Tagging Service | Take Command of Your Assets

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    Every organization, regardless of its size or industry, relies on its assets to function smoothly. Whether it’s equipment, machinery, or even digital resources, keeping track of these assets is essential for optimal operations and cost-effective maintenance.

    However, manual tracking methods often prove cumbersome, error-prone, and time-consuming. This is where Asset Tagging Service steps in as a robust solution.

    Asset tagging service entails comprehensive solutions, encompassing the entire process from tag selection and application to database integration and ongoing support. With this systematic approach, organizations can elevate their asset management processes, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

    In this blog post, we uncover the transformative potential of asset tagging services and discover how they can revolutionize your enterprise’s asset management approach. Let’s dig in!

    What is an Asset Tagging Service?

    At its core, an asset tagging service entails a suite of solutions designed to optimize asset identification, tracking, and management. Central to this service is the customization of asset data collection to align with the specific requirements and workflows of each organization.

    Asset tagging service providers use various tagging technologies, ranging from traditional barcode labels and QR codes to cutting-edge NFC tags and RFID asset labels. These tags are placed on assets to enable automatic data capture and real-time visibility into asset movements and status changes. With this proactive approach to asset management, organizations can harness data-driven insights and streamline operations.

    Through asset tagging services, organizations obtain comprehensive data points that ensure accurate facility asset tracking and management. Some examples of the data collected include:

    Location Data

    Asset Information

    User Records

    ● Geographical Location: City, State

    ● Specific Address: Street, Building Name/Code

    ● Precise Location within the Building: Floor, Room Number

    ● Data Center Specifics: Cage Number, Row, Rack, U Number

    ● Identification: Serial Number, Asset Tag Number

    ● Manufacturer and Model Details

    ● Description of Asset

    ● Classification: Asset Class

    ● Additional Data: Digital Image, Condition, Calibration, Inspection Records, Dimensions, and more


    ● Individual Information: First Name, Last Name

    ● Contact Details: Phone Number, Email Address

    ● Department or Division Affiliation

    ● Verification: Signature for Authentication



    Enhance asset visibility and tracking accuracy with The NonStop Suite’s best asset tagging services. With the NonStop suite’s smart NFC tags, your organization can precisely track their locations and statuses, monitor asset movements in real-time, and optimize asset utilization.

    Smarter Asset Tracking With NFC Tags

    Learn more about how NonStop Suite's NFC Asset Tracking Solution can help your Enterprise streamline operations to new heights.

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    How Do Asset Tagging Services Work?

    Asset tags are labels or stickers affixed to physical assets such as equipment, furniture, plants, and other assets owned by an organization. These tags typically contain information such as a unique identifier, the organization’s name or logo, and additional details like the asset’s purchase date, location, or department.

    Here’s how asset tagging services typically work:

    1. Identification: Asset tagging service providers tag assets with a unique identifier, which could be a barcode, QR code, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag, or a simple alphanumeric code. This identifier distinguishes one asset from another.
    2. Recording Information: The asset tag serves as a reference point for recording and tracking information about the asset. Once facility managers track assets, they can review valuable asset records which include the asset’s purchase date, cost, location, condition, maintenance history, and other relevant data.
    3. Integration with Asset Management Systems: Once the asset tags are affixed on organizational assets, these tags are connected with a specialized asset tracking software for asset management. Asset tags facilitate integration with these systems by providing a standardized way to input and retrieve information about each asset.
    4. Tracking and Management: By scanning or manually entering the information on the asset tag into a database or cloud based asset management system, organizations can track the movement, usage, and status of their assets. This step helps maintain an accurate inventory and facilitates better management of assets throughout their lifecycle.
    5. Maintenance and Servicing: Using the dynamic duo of the asset management system, facility managers schedule and track asset maintenance activities. They can easily record maintenance schedules and service history associated with each asset tag to ensure each equipment is properly maintained and serviced on time.


    Maximize the efficiency of your organization’s asset management operations by utilizing The NonStop Suite’s asset tagging services. Assign maintenance schedules and alerts to tagged assets, enabling proactive maintenance practices and minimizing unexpected breakdowns.

    Why Is It Important to Tag Your Assets?

    In asset management, the significance of tagging assets cannot be overstated. Effective asset tagging process is not just about labeling assets but about unlocking the full potential of organizational assets to drive business success. With a systematic tagging system, organizations yield multifaceted benefits that streamline operations, enhance security, and maintain compliance with regulations.

    Detailed below are ten key reasons why asset tagging is a crucial component of any robust asset management strategy:

    Improved Asset Tracking and Management

    Asset tagging practices provides a reliable means to track and manage assets throughout their lifecycle. By affixing unique identifiers to each asset, organizations can effortlessly monitor their movement, usage, and maintenance history. This level of transparency enables efficient allocation of resources and minimizes the risk of misplaced or underutilized assets.

    Streamlined Auditing and Reporting

    Tagging assets facilitates streamlined auditing processes by providing auditors with accurate and comprehensive asset inventory and utilization data. By tagging and tracking assets, organizations can generate detailed reports showcasing asset depreciation, maintenance schedules, and compliance status. This initiative simplifies auditing procedures and ensures regulatory adherence and financial accountability.

    Asset Loss and Theft Prevention

    One of the primary advantages of asset tagging is its role in preventing loss and theft. By labeling assets with unique identifiers, organizations can deter theft and unauthorized transfer. Moreover, in the event of theft, damage, or loss, tagged assets are easier to track and recover. As a result, there are minimized financial losses and operational disruptions.

    Easier Maintenance Scheduling

    Asset tagging provides a clear overview of each asset’s maintenance requirements to streamline maintenance scheduling. With tagged assets, maintenance tasks can be scheduled proactively based on usage patterns and depreciation trends. This proactive approach extends asset lifespan and reduces downtime and costly repairs.

    Compliance With Regulations

    Regulatory compliance is paramount for organizations across asset-heavy industries. Asset tagging ensures compliance with industry-specific regulations by enabling accurate record-keeping and asset documentation. Whether maintaining equipment certifications or adhering to safety standards, tagged assets provide the necessary framework for regulatory compliance.

    Enhanced Inventory Management

    Tagging assets enhances inventory management by providing real-time visibility into stock levels and asset locations. With tagged assets, organizations can streamline inventory replenishment, reduce stockouts, and minimize excess inventory. This level of inventory control optimizes supply chain efficiency and reduces carrying costs.

    Efficient Asset Lifecycle Management

    Asset tagging service is a critical component of efficient asset lifecycle management. With the help of asset tagging generators, organizations can effectively track, monitor, and manage their assets throughout their lifecycle, from procurement to disposal. By tracking asset utilization, depreciation, and maintenance history, organizations can make informed decisions about asset renewal, upgrade, or retirement. This proactive approach optimizes asset lifecycle management.

    Here’s how asset tagging service contributes to efficiency in asset lifecycle management:

    Asset Utilization Analysis

    Tagging assets enables organizations to conduct in-depth utilization analysis. Facility managers can quickly identify underutilized assets and optimize resource allocation. By evaluating usage patterns and performance metrics, organizations can reallocate assets to where they are most needed. They are ultimately maximizing productivity and cost-effectiveness.

    Asset Depreciation Tracking

    Asset tagging simplifies depreciation tracking by offering accurate records of asset value over time. By monitoring depreciation rates and asset lifespan, organizations can make informed financial decisions regarding asset replacement and capital expenditure. This proactive approach ensures optimal asset utilization and financial planning.


    Optimize asset lifecycle management with The NonStop Suite’s asset tagging services by directly capturing essential information such as acquisition date, warranty details, and depreciation values onto asset tags. Facilitate informed decision-making regarding repairs, upgrades, or replacements throughout the asset’s lifecycle.

    Enhanced Operational Efficiency

    Asset tagging improves operational efficiency by streamlining asset retrieval and usage. With tagged assets, employees can quickly locate and access the necessary equipment. Ultimately reducing downtime and improving workflow efficiency. Moreover, organizations can identify opportunities for process optimization and workflow automation by tracking asset usage patterns.

    Save Time and Resources Locating Equipment

    Tagging assets saves time and resources by eliminating the need for manual asset tracking and retrieval. With tagged assets, employees can quickly locate equipment using barcode scanners or NFC tags, minimizing search time and improving productivity. This streamlined approach to asset management frees up valuable resources for core business activities.

    Simplified Equipment Retrieval

    According to research, 80% of employees waste half an hour a day retrieving information. Asset tagging simplifies this problem by providing clear identification and location information. Whether retrieving tools from a storage facility or locating equipment on a job site, tagged assets streamline the retrieval process. Maintenance technicians always have the right equipment when and where they need it. This efficacy facilitates organizations with reduced delays, enhanced productivity, and improved workflow efficiency.


    Integrate The NonStop Suite’s advanced reporting features to gain valuable insights into the asset’s operational efficiency and performance metrics. Generate tailored reports to monitor key indicators, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions for optimizing asset management processes.

    Who Needs Asset Tracking and Tagging Services?

    Asset tagging services can be beneficial in any industry where there is a need to monitor, manage, and optimize the use of physical assets. This innovative asset-tracking solution helps improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall operational performance.

    Here are some industries that commonly utilize asset-tracking systems:

    • Manufacturing: Asset tracking system helps manufacturers keep tabs on equipment, tools, and raw materials throughout production. This meticulous process ensures everything is in the right place and time to maintain efficient operations.
    • Logistics and Transportation: Companies involved in shipping, freight, and transportation can benefit from asset tracking. Asset tagging machines help monitor the movement of goods, optimize routes, prevent theft or loss, and improve overall supply chain efficiency.
    • Retail: Retailers can use asset tracking to manage inventory, track the location of products within stores or warehouses, and reduce instances of stockouts or overstocking.
    • Healthcare: Hospitals and healthcare facilities use asset tagging services to monitor medical equipment and ensure they are available and adequately maintained when needed.
    • Construction: Asset tracking helps construction companies manage tools, machinery, fixed assets, and equipment across job sites. With this smart technological upgrade, construction sites can prevent loss, optimize resource allocation, and improve project timelines.
    • IT and Technology: IT Companies rely on asset tracking to manage their IT assets for accurate inventory records and facilitating maintenance and upgrades.
    • Agriculture: Asset tracking is used in agriculture to monitor equipment like tractors, harvesters, and irrigation systems for better resource utilization and improved productivity.
    • Government and Public Sector: Various government agencies employ asset tracking to manage vehicles, equipment, and infrastructure assets. This initiative helps in optimizing resource allocation and ensuring accountability.

    Conclusion: Take Asset Management Operations Up a Notch With The NonStop Suite!

    Asset tagging services can significantly improve organizational operations and enhance asset management processes. From small businesses seeking to streamline inventory management to large enterprises aiming to optimize asset utilization, asset tagging services offer a scalable solution adaptable to diverse organizational needs. To aid this critical endeavor, The NonStop Group presents its one-stop asset tagging and management solution—The NonStop Suite!

    The NonStop Suite is a EAM-based meticulously crafted solution designed to resolve the needs of modern enterprises’ asset management procedures. With its advanced features and capabilities, The Nonstop Suite provides real-time visibility into asset locations, status, and maintenance schedules. Its integration with existing systems and ability to automate tasks simplifies asset management, saving time and reducing errors.

    Central to its functionality is the comprehensive NFC asset tagging system, offering unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. The smart NFC tags enable organizations to categorize and monitor their assets in real-time effortlessly. Whether tracking equipment, inventory, or machinery, this asset tagging solution facilitates seamless integration into existing infrastructures. Hence, your organization can optimize resource utilization, minimize downtime, and maximize ROI on valuable assets.

    Should you want to set out on a path to improved asset management, consult The NonStop Group. Schedule a FREE personalized product demo today and witness firsthand how our solution can revolutionize your organization’s asset-tracking efforts.

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